Pierce County, North Dakota: Department Content

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Inmate Visitation

Visitation Guidelines:

•Refer to the visitation schedule which is posted as a “download” on the right margin of the department page

•In order to be allowed a visit you must present a valid identification card

oValid driver’s license

oTribal ID

oState ID card

•Minor children must be accompanied by an adult •Visits commonly are allowed for a duration of 15 minutes

•If there is any lewd behavior that takes place during your visit it will be stopped and your ability to visit in the future will be terminated

•If you have minor children you are responsible to manage their behavior. If children are interrupting/interfering with other visits you will be asked to leave

•If you are bringing in possessions for the inmate these can be handed to the officer that assist you. Please refer to “Inmate Property” for a list of what is allowed in the facility.

•Cell phones and other digital devices are NOT ALLOWED in the facility

•Weapons are NOT ALLOWED in the facility

•If you bring in a purse/handbag/backpack you may be asked to return it to your car or you will be provided a locker that it must bestored in prior to your visit Visits may be denied due to the offender’s status within the facility.


Offenders that are on disciplinary status will not likely have visiting privileges.


Please do not attempt to visit with an offender when a no-contact order is in place between the two parties.


All visits are subject to recording and monitoring by staff.


*Please review our visitation schedule for an upcoming change that will take effect in January 2016. There is no longer female visitation on Saturday evening. Female visitation has been moved to Sunday afternoon for a 2-hour block of time.